
JUnitDiff – JUnit diff – test results reports comparison

Compares several JUnit reports and creates a comparison table. Curently quite simple, more to be done.


  1. Create the XML file aggregated from several JUnit test runs.
    java -jar JUnitDiff.jar ( dir | TEST-foo.xml | report-paths-list.txt )+
  1. Transform the resulting XML file to HTML
    ./transformToHTML.sh AGG-TEST.xml


A table like this:

Test name report 1 report 2 report 3 report 4
Known issues org.jboss.qa.Test1 OK FAIL OK OK
Known issues org.jboss.qa.Test2 FAIL OK   OK
Known issues org.jboss.qa.Test3 OK FAIL OK OK
Known issues org.jboss.qa.Test4   FAIL FAIL OK

Also, the FAILed tests will link to the most probable known issue causing the failure.

Sample result

Sample JUnitDiff output.

See https://svn.devel.redhat.com/…ls/JUnitDiff (Red Hat internals only, soon to be released).

  • Maven Historical data plugin

    This is rather for continuous build & integration. I need to grab a few .xml files and have a result, in one step.

  • QALAB – dead project (2006)
  • This Yahoo groups topic