
Hibernate HHH000104: firstResult/max­Results specified with collection fetch; applying in memory


15:08:58,096 WARN  [org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl] (http-/
  HHH000104: firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!


Not necessarily by firstResult() or maxResults. Can also happen with getSingleResult().

The reason is that Hibernate used JOIN to fetch collection, so database's support for limits can't be used (e.g. MySQL's LIMIT and OFFSET).

public Release getRelease( String prodName, String version, boolean withDeps ) {
    return this.em.createQuery("SELECT rel FROM Release rel "
            + " LEFT JOIN FETCH rel.product pr "
            + " WHERE rel.product.name = ?1 AND rel.version = ?2", Release.class)
            .setParameter(1, prodName)
            .setParameter(2, version)
            .getSingleResult(); // Causes "firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!"


  1. Use SELECT JOIN strategy.
  2. Use getResultsList() instead:
public Release getRelease( String prodName, String version, boolean withDeps ) {
    List result = this.em.createQuery("SELECT rel FROM Release rel "
            + " LEFT JOIN FETCH rel.product pr "
            + " WHERE rel.product.name = ?1 AND rel.version = ?2", Release.class)
            .setParameter(1, prodName)
            .setParameter(2, version)

    if (result.isEmpty())  return null;
    return result.get(0);