
What I would change about the Java language

Basically, I am quite happy with Java, exept it could have a little more syntax shortcuts.

„Silent fallback operators“ – ?. and !.

An operator which would return null or 0 if a NullPointerException, resp. Throwable, would occur when computing expression's value.

// val will be 0 if getMap() or getKey(String) returned null.
int val = unreliableMapProvider.getMap()?.get("key")?.getName();

One use case: Logging performance.

log.info()?.log( timeConsumingCall() );
// ... instead of ...
if( log.isLoggable(Level.INFO) ) log.info( timeConsumingCall() );

Of course there's much more use cases, I bet you could find many in your code.

Better cast operator

Writing ((Type)something).useItAsType() is very boring. How about this:

Programmer prog = getJavaProgrammer();
String anwser = prog.cast(JavaProgrammer).askAboutJava();

Combined with the above operator, answer would be null if there was a ClassCastException:

String anwser = prog.cast(JavaProgrammer)!.askAboutJava();

Automatic casting after instanceof

The compiler should look for the following usage of instanceof and consider the variable as being of the checked type:

if( myObject instanceof String ){
  // No more redundant casting.
  // As myObject is now treated as string, this would cause a compiler error:
  myObject = new Integer(5);

Properties (automatic getters and setters)

Writing and reading getters and setters is the worst annoyance on Java. Except web developement, they are seldom used for custom behavior, anyway.

I like how it's done in C#. I'd do it similarly in Java.

* Declaring a public property automatically creates default getters and setters too.
* Declaring a private property creates no get/setters.
* Declaring a readonly property creates a public getter.
* Getters and setters are overridable.


Of course, closures… so instead of

interface RainListener {
  void itsRaining();

public void announceRain ( RainListener lis ){

public void testRain(){
    new RainListener {
      void itsRaining(){  System.out.println("Hey, take your coat!");

it would be just

public void announceRain ( void fn() ){  fn();  }

public void testRain(){
  announceRain( { System.out.println("Hey, take your coat!"); } )

or similar.

I like the proposal published recently on JSR.

Basically, closures ought to be syntax shortcut for functors. So they should be backward compatible with interfaces – that means, each closure parameter type would create one „anonymous interface“, and each closure implementation should be a static final functor implementing that interface.

public String process( List<String> list, String fn(String item) ){
  String res = "";
  for( String str:  list )
    res += fn( str );

public void testClosure(){
  List<String> list = Arrays.asList( new String[]{"foo","bar"} );

  // item - auto-named, using the process params definition.
  System.out.println( process( list, { item.reverse() } ) );  // like { return item.reverse(); }


public String process( List<T> list, String fn(T item) ){
  String res = "";
  for( T str:  list )
    res += fn( str );
  return res;

public void testClosure(){
  List<String> list = Arrays.asList( new String[]{"foo","bar"} );

  // item - type computed from the type of `List` item and `fn`'s definition.
  System.out.println( process( list, { item.reverse() } ) );

Explicit closures (closure objects)

This would work like „anonymous interfaces“ – the compiler would check whether the method fits the type constraints. This would keep interfaces and functors backwards compatible.

public class ClosureExample {
  public String process( List<T> list, String fn(T item) ){ ... }

  String myClosure(String item){ return item.reverse(); }

  public void testClosure(){
    System.out.println( process( list, myClosure ) );

… would act like if there was an „anonymous interface“:

private interface AnonInterface01 {  String fn(T item);  }

public class ClosureExample {
  public String process( List<T> list, AnonInterface01 fn ){ ... }

  class AnonFunctor_1 implements AnonInterface01 {
    String myClosure(String item){ return item.reverse(); }

  final AnonFunctor_1 FUNCTOR_01;

  public ClosureExample(){ FUNCTOR_01 = new AnonFunctor_1(); }

  public void testClosure(){
    System.out.println( process( list, FUNCTOR_01 ) );

For the case with myClosure in other class, AnonFunctor_1 would be moved to that class, and thus this would also point to that class.

The syntax of calling a closure in other class would simply use a dot (I dislike the hash notation):

public void testClosure(){
  System.out.println( process( list, OtherClass.myClosure ) );

Closures in a context (using this in closures):

private String concat = "";

public void testClosure(){
  List<String> list = Arrays.asList( new String[]{"foo","bar"} );

  // For anonymous closures, "this" resolved to current "this"
  System.out.println( list.each( { this.concat += item.reverse(); } )

  // For explicit closures, "this" resolves to their object.
  System.out.println( list.each( myClosure ) );

Methods in interfaces

These would be methods that reference only methods in itself. Intended to abstract some common logic without need of abstract classes or AOP.

interface Phone {

  void callNumber( String number );

  void callMe(){ this.callNumber("+420 777 555 555"); }


Combined with inheritance, this could be a very effective way to create mix-ins:

interface Sumarizer extends ListIterator<Integer> {

  public int getSum(){
    int ret = 0;
    while( hasNext() )
      ret += next();

/* Couldn't come up with better use case out of my head. */

Language constructs that return a value – switch, if/else

String num = switch(4){ case 1: yield "one"; default: yield "more"; }

boolean isSunShining
String dayPart = if( isSunShining ) yield "day"; else yield "night";

The if/else would not be just a nicer form of the ternary operator for long expressions; it would allow more statements before yielding.

Compiler would check for execution branches that would not yield a value like it does with return.

JDK standard library feature requests

* implement an ordered map.
* include org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.
* Simpler API for sound.
* java.util.Properties – rewrite, do not inherit from a map.
* java.util.regex: Support for recursion as in PCRE – (?0).

More to come later.

See also: http://www.linkedin.com/groupAnswers?…