
Sardine – mavenized version

Copied from Sardine README.txt without editation.

This is a maven repository of the Sardine project.

To add a new version, do the following: Note: This is not a copy-paste code – edit it according to your situation.

mvn install:install-file -DpomFile=sardine-pom.xml -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true -DgroupId=com.go­oglecode.sardi­ne -Dfile=sardine-XX\sardine.jar -DartifactId=sardine -Dversion=XX

svn co https://sardine.googlecode.com/svn/maven sardine-mvn –username you@gmail.com

cp -r ~/.m2/reposito­ry/com/google­code/sardine/sar­dine sardine-mvn/com/google­code/sardine/sar­dine
mv ~/.m2/reposito­ry/com/google­code/sardine/sar­dine/maven-metadata-local.xml ~/.m2/reposito­ry/com/google­code/sardine/sar­dine/maven-metadata.xml

svn add –force *
svn commit -m „Maven repo: Added version XX“

  • ~/.m2/repository/ is your local Maven repository. On windows it is usually c:\Documents and Settings\user\.m2\repository\.
  • The pom.xml is there because it contains dependency definitions.
  • sardine-mvn/com/google­code/sardine/sar­dine/maven-metadata-local.xml