
Wicket component

Originally I had:

<tr wicket:id="resources">
       <a href="#" wicket:id="reslink">
          <img wicket:id="icoType" src="ResourceMachine.gif"/>
          <span wicket:id="label">jawa01</span>
// Link itself. We're giving the resource as the parameter for the Resource page.
new BookmarkablePageLink("reslink", new ResourcePage( item.getModelObject().getResource() ))
// Icon.
.add( new Image( "icoType", "ResourceMachine.gif" ) )
// Link's kabel
.add( new Label("label", item.getModelObject().getResource().getName() ))

I tried to turn it into a component:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>JawaBot resource</title>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

   <a href="#">
      <img wicket:id="icoType" src="ResourceMachine.gif"/><span wicket:id="label">jawa01</span>

package org.jboss.jawabot.web._co;

import org.apache.wicket.Page;
import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.image.Image;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.BookmarkablePageLink;
import org.jboss.jawabot.Resource;
import org.jboss.jawabot.web._pg.ResourcePage;

 *  A Bookmarkable resource link leading to the ResourcePage.
 *  @author OndrejZizka
public class ResourceLink extends BookmarkablePageLink<Resource> {

   public <C extends Page> ResourceLink( String id, Resource res ) {
      super( id, ResourcePage.class );
      this.add( new Image( "icoType", "ResourceMachine.gif" ) );
      this.add( new Label("label", this.getModelObject().getName() ));


Using the component in a page

<tr wicket:id="resources">
       <a href="#" wicket:id="reslink">
          <img src="ResourceMachine.gif"/>
// Link itself. We're giving the resource as the parameter for the Resource page.
new ResourceLink("reslink", item.getModelObject().getResource() ))

That's all.